Just a tease for those who are checking minute by minute.
We just returned from doing a bunch of paperwork, and we got to see a more recent picture of Estee... Okay, she has hair now! You can all breathe easier. Here is the picture, probably about a month old:

She looks like she needs a family!
12:00 - 60 minutes and counting!
Bus ride to the Civil Affairs Office.
She looks calm, but there is a fire raging inside!
The long walk to the building...
The babies are waiting in there!!!
Almost there...
I think that's her!
GOTCHA!! Now I'm gonna keep ya!
That is the most emotion we have seen in three years!
Mommy #2 (but thinks she's #1)

One of Estee's nannies from the orphanage.
One of the nannie's daughters.
Well said... sort of
On the way back, happy papa
Wait, is that Taylor?! Yes, and that is her 1st bottle, the miracles never cease!
Look mom, I can sit up!
You guys get steak for dinner, all I get is these lousy fingers, Waaaooooh... they taste pretty good!
Isn't my upper lip cute? It tastes good too!
nite, nite, sleep tight!
Estee cried for about 30 minutes - a slow sad greiving cry, which is good because it means that she bonded with her caregivers, and is feeling the loss. Developmentally this is extremely important (thank you Lord!) That is a major hurdle cleared!
Wow, what a day. I'm tired! We have some videos that we will post tomorrow...
She is now sleeping peacefully in her crib, I hope to also be asleep soon!
Good night
Our daughter grew some hair too.
Yes, I am checking minute by minute - thanks for that last little bit Brett!
We are checking minute by minute too, as of right now, by our clock, you should have her. Musgrove, family of 6, Hey, does that meena it is a table for 12 now?? !! We said prayers about 30 minutes ago, hope all is going well, Barbara, Cydney and James
Finally!!!! It should be 11:00 pm your time, I hope you all sleeep well. What a special day! To see those pictures was really special too. I could feel your emotions (almost, I'm sure, but I did cry). You all look so happy, especially the kids. I'm sure it wasn't as real to them until today. And Estee is adorable! I can't wait to meet her. Actually, why don't I just come over there? It looks like you are having lots of fun! Well, I can't tell you how happy I am for you - you are a really special family!!! Brett, thanks again for all the posts. I know it is a pain but we all really enjoy it. To have waited for 3 weeks might have killed me (you know, me and that patience thing?). Stacey, I can't wait to see what Estee wears on her first shopping trip! lol Congratulations and I can't wait to see more. Love, Michelle
She is beautiful! We are so happy that we were able to be there as you got her. We can't wait to meet her. Enjoy the rest of your trip and tell everyone we said "hi."
p.s. we LOVE the photos and the posts, keep them coming.
Love, Marc, Lis, Amanda, Andrew
Hi guys!!
I too have been checking in on you guys OFTEN! I don't know about you all but I didn't sleep well last night.... kept waking and wondering and praying for you guys. I am SO happy for you and your beautiful new daughter. I am in awe. She is yours!! How did this happen?! I can't believe we will be doing this in a few weeks too! Yipee!! Stacey, how does it feel? Is it surreal? You all look so peaceful. We are praying for everyone's adjustment, especially dear Estee's.
Love, Bethany
Estee is so beautiful. She and Zach seem to have bonded already. Everyone looks so happy. I can't wait to hold her.
Love, Mom
Thanks for the pictures!! Incredible, serious tears for your happiness this time. Your family looks so happy and immediately unified. Stacey: I couldn't post earlier because we were leaving to get James to school on time (8 not 8:30), James at school without Taylor, ??? so sad. (I forgot to take him last Wednesday...tell ya later) YOU LOOK RADIANT!! Estee is so cute, she looks adorable in her little girl clothes. I'm so happy for you. You must be so proud of all of your children, they look thrilled. Sweet Dreams, we'll check back in 5 minutes for more posts (hee hee hee) Thank you Brett (off to Taylor's Blog)
Hallelujah - you now have what you could only hope for before. The pics brought tears, they were wonderful. We're thankful she has started the process of grieving - you have totally rearranged her life and she doesn't yet know that God has blessed this event, that He has a plan for Estee and it is good (Jeremiah 29) and it includes each one of you. We love you and are praying. Barbara for Jim too
I am so happy for you all!
Estee is just beautiful - with hair or not. Emily, Rachel says "hi".
Take care and have fun with your four kids in China! See you soon.
the picture thats says "big brothers are so cool" estee totally has the taylor stance. like with the head tilt and the hands its basically brilliant!!
Well I'm late getting in on this since I had to work today, But I have wet eyes too. The photos are better than wonderful. Thank you Brett soooo much for keeping all in the loop thru your blog.
Seeing Estee was a time for rejoicing. But seeing all of your with her was behond words. I can hardly wait to see your all in Bonsall and Estee in her "PINK" room.
As a photo guy I couln't help noting the inside of that building and the walk to it. I am impressed with China's development.
Well I gotta go. All my love to the SIX of you.
Dad Musgrove
Wow, the big day has come! Congratulations to the 6 Musgroves. The pictures of all of you are great. You are all so lucky. This "blog" thing was a terrific idea and I'm sure glad that you're using it so well. What an exciting time!!
We need more pictures. The video is good, but I have seen it about 20 times! We need more!
So cool, Musgrove Family! What a blessing for all of you and an amazing trip as well! Very much enjoying the blog and pictures/videos. Many prayers and blessings to you for the adjustment time and safe travel. Taylor is a natural "Big Brother" although I do see the resemblence in his long lost brother at the zoo. Looking so forward to seeing Estee and all of you when you return.
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