It seems the longer we are here, the less we do, but the more tired I am at the end of the day. It probably has something to do with the fact that Estee doesn't fall asleep very easily, and when she wakes herself up, it takes a long time to get her back to sleep. It seems like she is afraid to lay down, afraid to fall asleep. I have never seen anyone fight sleep SO hard. Maybe she is worried that we won't be here when she wakes up. What ever it is, it means we don't get much uninturrupted sleep these days.
Today we went to the old town of Chongqing, old buildings almost completely devoted (now) to shops selling traditional stuff. Pretty place, right on the river, along with the smells that are distinctly China! (I'll never get used to them completely, but I don't notice them as much allready.
This afternoon we took Estee for her fist dip in the pool. She did great, although after about 20 minutes of not moving around, she started to shiver. But I think she will do just fine in Southern California!
There are some speed bumps out front of our hotel and close to the edge of the road they are big blocks instead of bumps, presumably to keep people driving in the middle and not the edge of the road. We had just come out of the hotel on our way to a much anticipated steak dinner, and we see a young girl, probably a new driver, had gotten her car up on one of the blocks, and her drive wheels were just spinning. So Scott and I went over and motioned that we would help push the car off the block. We did, and the car started rolling down the hill... It was then, a little slow in my old age, that I recalled that the driver had gotten out to help push, and was standing next to me with her hand over her mouth! Not really thinking, I ran after the car, opened the door, and jambed my foot on the brake. The car stopped only a few feet from a huge planter, and about 50 feet from alot of pedestrians crossing the street. My heart was racing, but I only suffered a slightly skinned knee. Great way to start an evening. Some guy, I think he must have been the girls father or something, chased me down to get my address, I think it was to send a thank you card... He didn't speak a lick of English, so he drew pictures to communicate. It must have been tramatic for him, cause his hands were shaking, and he kept saying thank you, thank you over and over again.
Still on our way to the same steak (are we ever going to make it?) dinner. A few of us had crossed a busy street, and the light changed so the rest of our party, including Zach were left on the other side. All of the sudden I heard a horn, then a scream that I knew was Stacey's, I glanced in the direction of the scream only to see Zach, in the street, be missed by a speeding taxi, by mere inches!!! Now my blood was really pumping! But Zach was okay!
Okay, finally made it to dinner, at the Marriott, it was incredible! The steak was close to, if not the best steak I have ever had. The wine was good (extra special considering we were in China) and the service was outstanding!! There must have been 5 servers, and the host waiting on us. I think there were only 2 other couples that ate there that night. They took such good care of us, that the host held both of our babies, and walked around with them when they started fussing. That never happens in the States! The restaurant was on the top floor of the hotel (39 stories) and had a 360 degree veiw of the night skyline, the chairs were thick, very comfortable, and the diningroom very opulent, a night to remember... and right in the middle of my reverie, Piper (now known as Squiggy - see the picture) let out the biggest, and longest set of baby farts I have ever heard. I mean they practicaly echoed off the big plate glass windows! That was awesome, i only wish I could say that my kid did it!
Morning play time

Old Town

These people think this dirty muddy beach is cool! We are really spoiled back home!
Piper and Estee at lunch
Bathing Beauty
Are you sure about this Dad?
Allright, splashing on the edge, this is fun
That is COLD!!

I held her like this for at least 30 minutes before I could put her down. Can you claim carpel tunnel from adopting?
Last night in Chongqing, this is the view from our hotel window

Dear Brett,
Thanks for the new posts. Really great and fun for us to thus be with you-all thru your trip.
I called last nite our time because of the gap in Posts. Just want to be sure all is OK. I called the hotel since we just get voice mail on your cell. Maybe you don't have it now.
I know it must be a lot of work to make the Posts, especially now that you are the father of a young daughter again, but we really look forward to them when you can Post.
Grandpa Musgrove
From Barbara: so, sometimes when you adopt you miss that, infant won't sleep through the night stage. It is a bonding experience, glad to hear you aren't missing that most important parenting experience. So, Brett, can you post/type & rock/lullaby at the same time yet. The tale of pushing the car sounded like a Clark Griswold/National Lampoon Vacation moment. Seriously, ROFL !! and then….I actually gasped and covered my mouth reading the Zach-taxi-give his mother a coronary moment. YIKES. I know I have said thank you, but really, really, we love the postings. I was gone for 2 days and really busy, so sorry I haven’t responded earlier. We are really missing Taylor, and all ya’all this week. I’m off to read the next post. Yeayh, there were 2 when I got home, Hugs, Barbara
from Barbara: I forgot to mention how thrilled we are for Piper's accomplishment. Riley, (my grandaughter) is definately in the competition. So start feeding Estee some beans. We don't want some other baby taking home the prize at this years Nationals. Hugs, Barbara
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