All dressed up and off to the airport
Bye, bye hotel

Waiting for a flight is easier for some
This is the part where I learn the flight safety rules by chewing on the instruction card
This is the part where I drool on them
Peaceful relaxing Guangzhou

The things we do to get her to sleep!

Wake up tired, madly shove all our stuff back into the suitcases... Why do we have more stuff now then we started with? Oh yeah, shopping. 5 minutes for breakfast, on the bus to the airport. Estee's first flight, she was great, slept most of the hour and thirty minute flight. Gather all the bags for a 30 minute trek across the airport, then a thirty minute bus ride to Shamian Island where our hotel is.
They call it an island, but on one side it is only separated from the mainland by a 40 foot canal, but the island is extremely seperate in so many ways. Almost every building was built by the British after winning the last of the Opium wars, so the architecture is most definately British Colonial - Beautiful, and adding to that are the HUGE Banyon trees everywhere that practically shade ever inch of the island. The temperature was a balmy 72 degrees, perfect for a stroll under the trees down a center lane dividing the two halves of the island. It is lined with the spreading trees, with gardens in the middle. So peaceful and relaxing. What a great place to end our trip!
They call it an island, but on one side it is only separated from the mainland by a 40 foot canal, but the island is extremely seperate in so many ways. Almost every building was built by the British after winning the last of the Opium wars, so the architecture is most definately British Colonial - Beautiful, and adding to that are the HUGE Banyon trees everywhere that practically shade ever inch of the island. The temperature was a balmy 72 degrees, perfect for a stroll under the trees down a center lane dividing the two halves of the island. It is lined with the spreading trees, with gardens in the middle. So peaceful and relaxing. What a great place to end our trip!
Hi Emma,
Estee is so cute!!! I can't wait to see her. Try to email me soon!! I can't wait to see you on Thursday. Have fun and be safe.
OMGosh, only a few more days. Can we meet you in LosAngeles, James wants to know. The difference in Guangzhou and Chongqing is amazing. It looks just like you wrote, a great place to end your journey. Tell Taylor to check our blog, James did a post on there to everyone last week, and today he posted a few pictures Taylor might enjoy. If you go anywhere else with busy streets, everyone has to hold hand from now on. My heart can’t take reading any more near death experiences. HEY KIDS: Seeing you travel together, on the planes, and hearing about your walks, treks, airports, through numerous security checks, you are world travelers now. So COOL. Sweeeeet. Stacey: I love every picture of you holding your new baby (and Brett too, sorry Daddy) I get the warm fuzzies inside. She is a blessed little girl, who has a fantastic room (and family) to come home to. Home, I’ll bet that sounds good right now. Where are you staying, we want to try to call. Bye for now, Hugs, Barbara
Hi Guys!
Wow, I can't believe that your experience is winding down. Time really does fly when you're having fun...especially being a hero and watching your kid almost taxi-ed. The photos you are posting are really great. Looks like a nice place to visit but I'll bet you will all be glad to be back in the good ol' US of A! I'm anxious to see photos of where you are now with all of the Banyon trees.
Continue to have a good time and a safe trip home!
Welcome home Estee! You've finally arrived...
Love the Nelsons
I love the fact that when she's in Mother's arms, she's either content, happy, or sleeping. When Zach's holding her, you can see in her eyes she's thinking "As soon as I have a firm grasp on English diction and syntax, and as soon as I fully develop my motor skills and coordination, I'm so going to kick your ass."
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